Automatic Delivery Robots Highlighted at CESAutomatic Delivery Robots Highlighted at CES
Ottonomy is working to create a network of autonomous delivery robots on a global scale
California startup Ottonomy brought some of its automated delivery robots to CES this week, with one even entering the presentation ahead of CEO and founder Ritukar Vijay.
The fully autonomous robots have been traveling on public sidewalks in the U.S. and Europe delivering various products to consumers since last year.
Ottonomy is working to create a network of autonomous delivery robots.
At the end of Vijay’s presentation, an Ottonomy delivery robot that can pour draft beer arrived (just as a demonstration and not to provide beer to the audience).
The delivery robots can carry up to 250 pounds and are connected using Verizon’s network, according to Vijay.
“We are trying to build a network of these autonomous delivery robots, which collect a lot of information, which can be helpful in a lot of upcoming aspects for the betterment of life,” said Vijay.
“What we’re trying to do here is not a single delivery robot, but basically a collection of different types of robotic engines, which are pretty much the same robots, but doing deliveries in different use cases.”
A unique feature of the Ottonomy robots is they can carry multiple products, all in separate compartments. As a result, there could be several stops on the path of a delivery robot rather than a one-to-one transaction, as some others currently do.
One potential future use case Vijay mentioned is peer-to-peer deliveries, where someone can use the robot delivery network to send something to a friend or colleague without making a personal trip.
The opportunity and challenge is growing the robotic delivery network to scale.
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