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Global Governments Forecast to Boost Quantum Funding in 2023

Classiq predicts quantum to merge with HPC, increased investment and a ramping-up in talent acquisition

Berenice Baker, Editor, Enter Quantum

December 22, 2022

2 Min Read
Government funding for quantum technology will increase in 2023, according to Classiq.Getty

Governments will increase funding for quantum computing programs, there will be more investigation of hybrid processing and there will be a surge in demand for quantum talent. These are the predictions for the quantum computing industry in 2023 from quantum software specialist Classiq.

Government Funding Around the Globe

According to Classiq, more government funding in the U.S. and other countries will go into the development of quantum programs in 2023. Government-sponsored quantum computers will help to advance quantum initiatives both in the academic realm and for industry.

Quantum Availability and Evolution

Classiq predicts that quantum computing will increasingly be investigated as part of the high-performance computing framework in 2023. The availability of quantum computers with larger capacity and better error correction, and the evolution of quantum software, will allow people to start envisioning what this hybrid computing world – which merges HPC and quantum tech – will look like.

Quantum Investments

Enterprises should consider investigating quantum computing now, but the price of buying a quantum computer – $15 million in some cases – is still way too expensive for the majority of organizations.

Most companies with quantum computing projects will use quantum cloud services like Amazon Bracket, IBM or Azure rather than buy quantum computers in the year ahead. That will allow them to build quantum knowledge and position to gain quantum advantage without locking themselves into a major hardware investment.

“That’s a good strategy because the quantum hardware of tomorrow is going to be twice as good,” says Classiq.

Mergers and Acquisitions

The quantum computing arena will see more mergers and acquisitions in 2023 as quantum technologies become more mature. Consolidation will lead to the emergence of a couple of leaders in key quantum tech categories, such as quantum error correction and software development.

Classiq predicts that the industry giants Amazon, IBM and Microsoft will buy some companies out. Meanwhile, many quantum solution providers will seek to forge strong partnerships to strengthen their positions. It makes sense to form a chain of partnerships along the entire quantum stack.

Demands for Quantum Talent Ramps Up

According to a Classiq survey, 95% of executives plan to hire quantum talent by the end of 2023 and 93% expect there to be a tidal wave of demand for people – including developers – with quantum skills.

Classiq CEO and co-founder Nir Minerbi says: “Quantum computing is a key emerging technology that will make what was once impossible possible. But gaining quantum advantage requires organizations to have the right people.

“Wrapping your head around quantum can be a challenge. But if you start learning about it in elementary school, it’s just a part of life. People learn things like chemistry and math gradually, and their classes get more advanced every year. The same approach can work for quantum computing education – start slow and build from there.”

About the Author(s)

Berenice Baker

Editor, Enter Quantum

Berenice is the editor of Enter Quantum, the companion website and exclusive content outlet for The Quantum Computing Summit. Enter Quantum informs quantum computing decision-makers and solutions creators with timely information, business applications and best practice to enable them to adopt the most effective quantum computing solution for their businesses. Berenice has a background in IT and 16 years’ experience as a technology journalist.

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