STMicroelectronics, Microsoft Partner to Develop IoT Security SolutionsSTMicroelectronics, Microsoft Partner to Develop IoT Security Solutions
The collaboration will combine the groups’ expertise in security software to alleviate pressure on IoT manufacturers

STMicroelectronics has partnered with Microsoft to develop security systems for IoT devices.
The project is intended to reduce cost, time and pressure constraints on IoT device developers by offering a new security solution that aids rapid production without jeopardizing online safety.
Under the collaboration, ST will integrate its low-power STM32U5 microcontrollers with Microsoft Azure’s RTOS and IoT Middleware, as well as Trusted Firmware’s secure software Arm – in an engineering project hoped to offer enhanced security for embedded IoT devices.
“Developers of IoT devices face intense pressure to meet time-to-market constraints at the same time as satisfying the highest-level security-industry standards,” said Daniel Colonna, marketing director at STMicroelectronics’ microcontroller division. “Our solution accelerates embedded development by increasing security as well as power efficiency and performance.”
Azure’s RTOS is an embedded development suite that features a small operating system that provides rapid connection for resource-constrained assets such as IoT edge devices and endpoints.
The Trusted Firmware platform will bring with it features such as secure boot, secure storage, cryptography and attestation, while ST’s microcontrollers deliversecurity features such as physical-attack resistance.
The partners’ novel security design brings an authentication plan and personalization service to devices connected to Microsoft Azure, allowing for an automated and secure connection and relieving IoT-makers of the typical challenge of keeping credentials secure during manufacturing.
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